Main Characters
Please note that every character here is listed under the book I plan to make them main characters in.
Book 1
Beaver Saller
Gifted: Yes, durable scales.
Desc: brown shorthair with forest green eyes, armadillo-like scales on his tail and spine.
Family: Maggie Saller (sister), Light Saller (mother), Fleck Saller (father)
Magpie Saller
Desc: tuxedo with blue eyes that have gold flecks, a pair of wings similar to a magpie on back. While with Stewcat Rebellion, wears rectangular glasses.
Family: Beaver Saller (brother), Light Saller (mother), Fleck Saller (father)
Storm Nix
Gifted: Yes, static electricity, resistance to damage.
Desc: blue-grey, medium length hair with golden yellow eyes, scars across underbelly and chest. Both ears are shredded, with a stub tail and a prosthetic right front leg that seems to be made of mist.
Family: Shell Nix (sister), Kaiser Nix (father), Dragonfly Nix (sister)
Shell Nix
Gifted: Yes, long, dexterous tail
Desc: lithe cream shorthair, lavender eyes.
Family: Storm Nix (brother), Kaiser Nix (father), Dragonfly Nix (sister)